Rwanda Peace Partnership
The Aegis Trust, Interpeace and Never Again Rwanda have come together to form the Rwanda Peace Partnership (RPP). This collaborative framework will help deliver complementary programmes for a peaceful, cohesive and inclusive Rwandan society.
Aegis Trust, Interpeace and Never Again Rwanda (NAR) are organizations that work towards the implementation of programmes aiming to contribute to healing Rwandan society through social cohesion and reconciliation for sustainable peace.
Specifically, the Aegis Trust works towards the prevention and ultimate elimination of genocide and mass atrocities primarily through peace education, research and advocacy. Aegis aims to build long-term peace by encouraging communities to change from mindsets of mistrust and prejudice to a position of shared responsibility for peace and stability.
Interpeace implements a societal trauma healing programme that uses a holistic approach to address mental health, foster social cohesion as well as promote sustainable collaborative livelihoods. Through healing spaces, the programme tackles intergenerational transmission of genocide legacies, fosters reconciliation, and strengthens the resilience of individuals and communities.
NAR works to empower citizens with non-violent means of resolving conflict, build trust and promote trauma healing and genocide prevention. NAR does this by facilitating safe spaces for dialogue, increasing tolerance among community members from diverse backgrounds and engaging youth to think critically and be the agents of sustainable peace.
These organizations have been engaging like-minded civil society organizations (CSOs) and government institutions to integrate psychosocial support approaches in dealing with wounds and trauma and inform the national unity and reconciliation policies.
RPP Mission
The three organizations believe that there is a need to harmonize frameworks, for mutual learning, continuous experience sharing and collaboration and coordination of their different but related strategies and engagements in peacebuilding.
It is against this background, through the financial support from Swedish embassy (Sida), that they have created an umbrella titled Rwanda Peace Partnership (RPP), under which they work to contribute towards aspects of sustainable peace in Rwanda.
The start of their respective new programmes creates an opportunity to collaborate closely in their delivery, increasing the donor’s value for money and providing improved and holistic services to communities across the country.
The partnership has the following objectives:
- Share knowledge and lessons learned on societal healing
- Strengthen collaboration and coordination among healing actors.
Building on the experiences of the three organizations that have a solid understanding of the local context of Rwanda, this collaborative framework will help to deliver a well-coordinated response tailored to the needs of community members, avoid duplication, and harness the complementarity of their programmes for a peaceful, cohesive, and inclusive Rwandan society.
RPP Partner(s)
In this regard, Sida has partnered with the Aegis Trust, Never Again Rwanda, and Interpeace under the umbrella of the Rwanda Peace Partnership to promote collaborative efforts to build sustainable peace in Rwanda.