

Survivors to speak every weekend at Holocaust Centre

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00May 10th, 2007|Uncategorised|

10 May 07 - For the first time since opening, the Holocaust Centre (situated between Laxton and Ollerton, in north Notts) is running a full summer of weekend talks by survivors of Nazi concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Belsen.  Every Saturday and Sunday, from now to the end of September, members of the public [...]

Derby Society Wins Awards

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00May 5th, 2007|Students|

Derby Aegis Society was nominated for 6 awards at the University of Derby Students' Union Awards ball on the 26th April 2007 for its contribution to student activities within the university over the past academic year. We scooped up 3 awards on the night for ‘most charitable club or society’, ‘outstanding achievement’ and ‘most valuable [...]

Aegis welcomes Rolls Royce decision to withdraw from Sudan

2007-04-19T15:42:18+01:00April 19th, 2007|Uncategorised|

19 Apr 07 - Rolls Royce has informed the Aegis Trust's Darfur Divestment campaign that the company is withdrawing from Sudan.  Rolls Royce was supplying diesel engines and support for Sudan’s oil sector.  Booming oil revenues have helped Khartoum to finance its armed forces in Darfur and pay the Janjaweed militia, responsible for four years [...]

Gemma Tumelty re-elected National President of NUS

2007-04-18T19:01:34+01:00April 18th, 2007|Uncategorised|

Gemma Tumelty was re-elected National President of the National Union of Students by over two thirds of voting delegates at NUS' annual conference. Gemma won her election in Blackpool, meaning that she will serve another year until July 2008, when she will have completed her maximum two year term. She commented- “I am absolutely delighted [...]

Rolls Royce pulls out of Sudan citing Humanitarian Concerns

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00April 18th, 2007|Uncategorised|

London (April 19th, 2007) – Rolls Royce announced yesterday their decision to withdraw from Sudan citing "increasing international humanitarian concerns".  Their decision follows increasing calls for companies to divest from Sudan and exert financial pressure on as the Government of Sudan as the crisis in Darfur worsens.   This news is of particular significance to Aegis [...]

Survivors bury loved ones 13 years on

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00April 14th, 2007|Memorial|

14 Apr 07 - Today survivors buried 1,454 victims of the Rwandan genocide in mass graves at the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre. The burials followed Rwanda’s official week of mourning marking the 13th anniversary of the 1994 genocide. Thousands of mourners marched in quiet procession from St. Famille Church and other areas of central Kigali to [...]

News from Nottingham Trent University – April 2007

2015-10-02T07:44:06+01:00April 14th, 2007|Students|

Nottingham Trent Aegis Society has been very active this term with many events either happening or being planned. We started the term with a ‘Pub quiz’ with the winning team collecting £50; we raised £80 in the process. In March arrangements were made to have a Darfuri guest speaker for the Awareness Day for Darfur [...]

News from Oxford University – April 2007

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00April 14th, 2007|Students|

It’s been another busy and exciting term for Oxford Aegis Society: We kicked it off with the Hands Up For Darfur Day (03/02/07) at the Oxford Union in conjunction with Hands Up For Darfur. The event included a screening of Shooting Dogs, informational stalls for groups working in Sudan (like Kids for Kids, Medecins Sans [...]


2015-10-02T07:44:33+01:00March 9th, 2007|Policy & Advocacy|

March 9th 2007 will see a range of events taking place on campuses throughout the UK to raise awareness of the situation in Darfur and prompt students to take action. We have several universities on board with this but we want you to join us. Please get in touch to organise an event at your [...]