

Conference & Committee

2007-09-05T18:45:32+01:00September 5th, 2007|Uncategorised|

Interested in finding out how to campaign against mass murder, rape & pillage in Darfur. Want to help prevent the reoccurrence of genocide elsewhere? Aegis Students warmly invites you to attend its annual summer conference, taking place at the Cass Business School, C.London on September 5th 2007. Aegis Students is an exciting student movement that [...]

Khartoum apologists – ‘Don’t exaggerate; only 200,000 murdered in Darfur’

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00August 21st, 2007|Uncategorised|

Comment by Dr James Smith, CEO Aegis Trust, 21 Aug 07 - The British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) recently ruled on a complaint against  the Save Darfur Coalition and Aegis Trust regarding how the death toll in Darfur has been represented.  ASA identified a 'division of informed opinion' on the mortality in Darfur and stated [...]

Summer Conference 2007

2007-07-30T18:47:08+01:00July 30th, 2007|Uncategorised|

  Interested in finding out how to campaign against mass murder, rape & pillage in Darfur. Want to help prevent the reoccurrence of genocide elsewhere? Aegis Students warmly invites you to attend its annual summer conference, taking place at the University of Derby on September 17th 2007. Aegis Students is an exciting student movement that aims [...]

£10,000 raised to house Rwandan survivor

2015-10-02T07:42:32+01:00July 17th, 2007|Rebuilding|

17 July 07 – Ten teenagers from West Bridgford Comprehensive School in Nottingham today visited the Holocaust Centre, home of the Aegis Trust for genocide prevention, to present a cheque for over £2,000. This is the final part of a grand total of over £10,000 raised in the past year by students and community groups [...]

National Executive Committee Vacancies

2025-02-08T19:40:01+00:00July 6th, 2007|Uncategorised|

We hope you are all having a fantastic summer.  The growth of Aegis Students has been immense this last year.  There are now eleven functioning societies and many more in early stages of development, bringing about the need for a larger National Executive Committee to coordinate the student movement in this coming academic year. The [...]

Hain gets behind Darfur Divestment campaign

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00June 17th, 2007|Policy & Advocacy|

17 June 07 - At 5pm Tuesday 19 June, Labour deputy leadership candidate Peter Hain MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, will address a public meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Genocide Prevention, called to discuss targeted divestment and sanctions on over the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Darfur. Massive investments by companies The [...]

International Divestment Campaign Launched Today

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00June 8th, 2007|Policy & Advocacy|

            8 June 07 Could you be indirectly financing the genocide in Darfur? That’s quite a sobering thought. It’s also a distinct possibility. Today, Aegis Trust and partners launch an international campaign for the divestment of funds, including your pension and your savings, that are invested in foreign companies whose [...]

News from Derby University – May 2007

2020-03-16T21:30:35+00:00May 31st, 2007|Students|

Derby Society Wins Awards Derby Aegis Society was nominated for 6 awards at the University of Derby Students' Union Awards ball on the 26th April 2007 for its contribution to student activities within the university over the past academic year. We scooped up 3 awards on the night for ‘most charitable club or society’, ‘outstanding [...]