

Sweden to fund $6.8m three-year peace-building programme in Rwanda

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00June 14th, 2013|Peace education|

14 June 2013 - The Swedish Embassy in Rwanda today announced funding for an ambitious new Rwanda-wide peace-building programme. The Rwanda Peace Education Programme is designed to counter behavioural risk factors for genocide by promoting social cohesion, pluralism, personal responsibility, empathy, critical thinking and action to build a more peaceful society. Centring on a mobile [...]

Genocide survivors welcome UK arrest of Rwandan suspects

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00May 31st, 2013|Policy & Advocacy|

31 May 2013 - Responding to yesterday’s arrest in the UK of five Rwandans suspected of involvement in the 1994 genocide, Freddy Mutanguha – Rwandan Country Director of the UK-based Aegis Trust for genocide prevention – says word of the move is being warmly welcomed by survivors. “These arrests have given survivors renewed hope for [...]

Darfur whistleblower launches memoirs in Geneva

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00April 25th, 2013|Policy & Advocacy|

25 April 2013 - Ten years ago, British diplomat Mukesh Kapila became head of the UN in Sudan. Within a year of taking the post, he would publicly declare the Sudanese Government guilty of ethnic cleansing in Darfur. At the Geneva Press Club, 17.30 – 19.30 on Thursday 2 May, the whistleblower who first brought [...]

USC Shoah Foundation integrates Rwandan genocide testimonies secured by Aegis

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00April 22nd, 2013|Documentation, Peace education|

19 April 2013 – Aegis’ American partner the USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education – has added a collection of testimonies of survivors and rescuers from the 1994 Rwandan Tutsi genocide to its Visual History Archive. Holding over 52,000 filmed Holocaust survivor testimonies, this marks its first integration of testimonies [...]

Aegis takes Darfur debate to Rome

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00April 10th, 2013|Policy & Advocacy|

10 Apr 13 – Aegis’ Special Representative on Crimes against Humanity, Professor Mukesh Kapila, has continued the international tour for his new book, “Against A Tide of Evil”, in a series of lectures at Rome’s Universities. Giving his insider account as the UN Sudan chief who blew the whistle on ethnic cleansing in Darfur in [...]

Rwanda’s 19th genocide commemoration: Peace-building education to be expanded from Kigali Genocide Memorial

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00April 7th, 2013|Memorial, Peace education|

Following the lighting of the flame, President Kagame visited a new ‘Peace room’ at the Kigali Genocide Memorial, where students including the children of survivors and perpetrators take part in peace-building education. There he viewed a mobile exhibition created by the Aegis Trust to take this education programme into Rwanda’s rural communities.   "Remembrance of [...]

The EU and mass atrocity prevention: Aegis to participate in UK report launch

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00March 19th, 2013|Policy & Advocacy|

19 Mar 13 - The Aegis Trust will take part in next week's UK launch of a report by the Task Force on the EU Prevention of Mass Atrocities. Titled 'The EU and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities - An Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses', the report can be downloaded here. Speakers Dr James Smith, [...]

Former UN Sudan Chief publishes insider account on Darfur crisis

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00March 11th, 2013|Policy & Advocacy|

In London this Thursday, the whistleblower who first brought the region to global attention will publish his memoirs, ‘Against A Tide of Evil’; a no-holds-barred insider account of a crisis that still keeps rolling. “We knew from day one what was going on,” Kapila says in a short film introducing the book. “Hardly a day [...]

Global call to ‘stop the horror’ in Sudan

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00February 28th, 2013|Policy & Advocacy|

28 Feb 2013 – A coalition of politicians from three continents have called for urgent action to address the humanitarian crisis in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. The Sudanese government is accused of intensifying indiscriminate bombings against rebel-held areas – as witnessed by former UN Sudan chief Mukesh Kapila when the Aegis Trust visited [...]

Celebrating the Legacy of Swedish Rescuer Raoul Wallenberg and Rwandan rescuers

2020-03-16T21:30:32+00:00January 24th, 2013|Memorial|

24 Jan 2013 – In Kigali, the Embassies of Sweden and the United States, in collaboration with Aegis Trust and the Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace (IRDP), have organized two events celebrating the centenary of the birth of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust, [...]