

Aegis launches new state of the art online archive

2020-03-16T21:30:30+00:00June 11th, 2015|Documentation|

The Aegis Trust has launched a new and expanded online Genocide Archive of Rwanda with over 8,000 historical photos, videos, documents, audio files and artefacts. The website is the best way for Rwandans and the international community to learn about the causes, implementation and consequences of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. The Genocide Archive [...]

New site for Genocide Archive of Rwanda launched on International Archives Day

2020-03-16T21:30:30+00:00June 9th, 2015|Documentation|

The Aegis Trust and its partners have today launched a new online platform for the Genocide Archive of Rwanda at, coinciding with International Archives Day. The new site, which retains the URL previously used by the Archive, give access to previously unseen information about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. New features include an advanced [...]

Aegis shares lessons of hope from Rwanda as Central Africans seek peace

2020-03-16T21:30:30+00:00May 28th, 2015|Outreach, Peace education, Policy & Advocacy|

Held in the Central African Republic’s capital, 4-11 May, the ‘Bangui Forum for National Reconciliation’ drew around 700 leaders from across the political, religious and social spectrum in CAR, together with interim President Samba-Panza (pictured centre, above) and the leadership of the country’s transitional government. Participants included leaders of the Seleka and Anti-Balaka, rival armed [...]

Rwanda Peace Education Programme launched in Kirehe

2015-10-02T07:12:54+01:00May 25th, 2015|Peace education|

Rwanda Peace Education Programme (RPEP) partners, local authorities and communities gathered today to launch the peace building programme in Kirehe district in the Eastern Province, where the programme will be based for at least three weeks. “We are all affected by a society lacking peace; your message of peace is relevant to everyone,” Executive Secretary [...]

Aegis informs Rwandan training of teacher trainers in peace education

2020-03-16T21:30:30+00:00May 18th, 2015|Memorial, Peace education, Policy & Advocacy|

Rwanda’s Ministry of Education last week commenced training its teacher trainers in delivery of the peace education component of the new national Schools Curriculum. The brainchild of the team at the Aegis-led Rwanda Peace Education Programme (RPEP), this has been developed in close collaboration with the Rwanda Education Board (REB) and sees peace education integrated [...]

Call for applications for the Aegis Trust’s Rwanda Short Course

2020-03-16T21:30:30+00:00May 1st, 2015|Students|

Aegis Trust’s Research, Policy and Higher Education (RPHE) Department invites academics, teachers, trainers, policymakers and practitioners to apply for a short course on “Genocide and Mass Atrocities: Actors, Causes and Responses to Violence”.     Taking place 20-31 July 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda, the course is convened by Dr Phil Clark, head of the RPHE [...]

Statement on Armenian Genocide 100th Anniversary

2015-10-02T07:14:18+01:00April 24th, 2015|Policy & Advocacy|

Statement by Dr James Smith CBE, Chief Executive of the Aegis Trust: “Today, on the 100th anniversary of the start of the Armenian Genocide, staff and supporters of the Aegis Trust around the World remember and mourn with the survivors and all who lost so many loved ones during the slaughter in which the Young [...]

Armenian Genocide: Truth Begins to Erode 100 years of Impunity

2020-03-16T21:30:30+00:00April 24th, 2015|Policy & Advocacy|

Comment from Aegis CEO, Dr James Smith Causing something of a stir in Istanbul, a growing number of governments and figures, including Pope Francis this week, have recognised that the catastrophe 100 years ago in which up to 1.5million Armenians perished, was genocide. Not so the United Nations, many other governments and media organisations who [...]

US anti-genocide movement STAND merges with the Aegis Trust

2020-03-16T21:30:31+00:00April 9th, 2015|Policy & Advocacy, Students|

STAND, the US-based student movement to end mass atrocities, is merging with the Aegis Trust as the US branch of the Aegis Youth Department. Founded in 2003 by a group of Georgetown students, over the following years STAND chapters sprang up at schools and colleges across the USA. Originally an acronym for ‘Students Taking Action [...]

CNLG and Aegis Trust work together to preserve the memory of the genocide

2020-03-16T21:30:31+00:00April 9th, 2015|Documentation, Memorial, Peace education|

This week marks the 21st Commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutsi. It is an important time to remember the victims, support survivors and ensure never again is a reality. Collecting testimonies, preserving evidence and enabling research and learning about the genocide contributes to our duty to remember. In this effort, Rwanda’s National Commission for [...]