

Rwanda inspires life-saving international campaign

2020-03-16T21:30:26+00:00June 9th, 2019|Fundraising, Uncategorised|

25 years after the genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda’s national schools curriculum features a life-saving peace education programme developed by the Aegis Trust. Now White Rose, the recycled fashion chain supporting the Aegis Trust, is launching a campaign enabling the public to help export this programme to countries in crisis today: Every dime raised [...]

Honour for diplomat who paved Cambodia’s road to peace

2020-03-16T21:30:26+00:00March 6th, 2019|Policy & Advocacy|

Twenty years ago today, on March 6th 1999, Ta Mok – the last commander of the genocidal Khmer Rouge in Cambodia – surrendered. It marked the culmination of a strategy developed by then US Ambassador Kenneth Quinn to eradicate the guerrilla movement, which he had compared to the Nazis in early warnings sent to Washington [...]

Aegis Trust to partner with Civility Experts Worldwide

2020-03-16T21:30:26+00:00February 7th, 2019|Peace education|

The Aegis Trust is pleased to announce a global partnership with Civility Experts Worldwide. This partnership will draw upon the peace and values curricula and educational expertise that Aegis has developed and will be used in a new program called Leading with Humanity, developed by Civility Experts Inc. Civility Experts Worldwide is led by CEO Lew [...]

Honour for diplomat who confronted genocide

2020-03-16T21:30:26+00:00February 4th, 2019|Policy & Advocacy|

The Steven Krulis Champion of Humanity Distinguished Service Award recognises those who have contributed significantly to the prevention of genocide and to promoting values of humanity. Originally called the Aegis Award, it has been given only once before – to L Gen Romeo Dallaire of Canada in 2002. The Award will be presented to Ambassador [...]

70 years after UN Genocide Convention, survivors call for justice in the UK

2020-03-16T21:30:26+00:00December 9th, 2018|Policy & Advocacy|

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the UN General Assembly on this day seventy years ago. However, despite the success of a campaign led by the Aegis Trust nine years ago to close legal loopholes on genocide suspects living in the UK, there has yet to [...]

Swedish pride in peacebuilding success

2020-03-16T21:30:27+00:00November 19th, 2018|Memorial, Peace education, Policy & Advocacy|

Ambassador Helena Rietz, now Head of the Africa Department at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign affairs, today expressed Stockholm’s pride in the Aegis Trust’s peacebuilding education work in Rwanda - for which the Swedish Government has provided significant support.  Ambassador Rietz was visiting the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda for the second time. Having previously [...]

Aegis Award for diplomat who helped eradicate the Khmer Rouge

2020-03-16T21:30:27+00:00November 16th, 2018|Policy & Advocacy|

On the day that leaders of the Khmer Rouge have finally been found guilty of genocide, the Aegis Trust is pleased to announce an award for the American diplomat who warned of their threat in advance, assisted their victims, and ultimately helped drive the Khmer Rouge from Cambodia. The Aegis Trust will honour Ambassador Kenneth [...]

A call for proposals by Rwandan researchers

2020-03-16T21:30:27+00:00November 14th, 2018|Research|

The Aegis Trust is pleased to announce a call for proposals by Rwandan researchers, as part of its programme on Research, Higher Education and Policy, funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). The commissioned policy briefs are intended to contribute to knowledge-sharing through dissemination of high quality research; produced by Rwandan researchers to a [...]

Aegis launches exhibition with UNITAR in Geneva

2018-09-25T12:07:12+01:00September 25th, 2018|Peace education, Policy & Advocacy|

At the Palais des Nations, the UN’s Geneva headquarters, the Aegis Trust yesterday launched a new exhibition in partnership with UNITAR, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Titled ‘Education for Peace: Preventing Genocide at its roots’, the exhibition considers how humanity can be eroded in a society to the point of mass atrocities. [...]

Aegis presents Rwanda Education Board with new resources

2018-08-07T01:27:36+01:00August 7th, 2018|Uncategorised|

The Aegis Trust will officially hand over new Peace and Values Education Teaching and Learning materials (Teacher Guidebook and Model Lesson Plans book) to the Rwanda Education Board (REB) at the Kigali Genocide Memorial Peace School today. The materials were developed by the Aegis Trust following an MoU with REB after integration of Peace and [...]