It’s been another busy and exciting term for Oxford Aegis Society:
We kicked it off with the Hands Up For Darfur Day (03/02/07) at the Oxford Union in conjunction with Hands Up For Darfur. The event included a screening of Shooting Dogs, informational stalls for groups working in Sudan (like Kids for Kids, Medecins Sans Frontières, Sudan Divestment UK, and Aegis Trust), the Aegis Genocide Exhibition, and free Krispy Kremes! The highlight of the day was a panel discussion in the Union Debating Chamber, hosted by Channel 4 news presenter Jon Snow. The panel included, amongst others, Andrew Mitchell (Shadow Secretary of State for International Development), Anne Penketh (the Indepedent’s Diplomatic Editor), Jonathon Steele (Senior Foreign Correspondent for the Guardian), and the head of the Darfur Union.

We were also pleased to work in conjunction with Oxford Burma Society to present two events: A Burmese Human Rights Delegation (23/02/07) featuring a panel of Burmese Human Rights activists from different ethnic groups hosted by Benedict Rogers, and a benefit concert and informational presentation by Juliet Rogers and professional violinist Ruth Rogers.
Finally, in conjunction with Hands Up For Darfur and others, we have been instrumental in initiating the Sudan Divestment: Oxford campaign.


Cristina Dos Santos, President of Oxford Aegis Society