JusticeLR9 May 2012 – Figures released by the UK Home Office following a Freedom Of Information request from the Yorkshire Post (see YP article here, quoting Michael McCann MP – Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Genocide Prevention) indicate large numbers of war crimes suspects continue to reside in the UK. It is not clear how many, if any, may currently be subject to police investigation with a view to prosecution, but none have been prosecuted since UK law on international crimes was strengthened in April 2010.

“Aegis successfully campaigned for a change in law to allow the prosecution of genocide and war crimes suspects residing in the UK, but unless that law is applied the UK will remain a safe haven for people responsible for the worst crimes known to humanity,” says Dr James Smith, Chief Executive of the Aegis Trust, quoted in today’s Daily Mail on the issue. “The question is, how many of the suspects identified by UK Border Agency have been fully investigated by the police and how many investigations are currently in progress?

“If there’s a significant disconnect between numbers of suspects identified by UKBA and numbers rigorously investigated with a view to prosecution or deportation, then procedures in UKBA and the police need to be re-examined.

“It’s concerning that we have yet to see any prosecutions of war crimes suspects in the UK since the change in law two years ago.”