Principled Preventing genocide is more than just a job… Challenging We listen to people at risk of mass atrocities Meaningful We save lives by changing hearts and minds

Current Positions

No positions presently advertised.

If you are interested in working for Aegis, please check this page from time to time. Details of any roles subject to recruitment will be posted here.

Whatever skills and experience you have – if you have time available to help Aegis, why not volunteer? If we know you’re able to offer time, we may be able to put your abilities to good use.

Whoever you are and whatever you do, fundraising is something that’s always helpful for Aegis – so if you’re keen to be part of making a difference to people’s lives through this organization, it’s a great place to start.

If you would like to fundraise or undertake a sponsored activity in support of Aegis, email to let us know what you have in mind – and our fundraising team will do all they can to support you.


If you’re a student in the UK, US or Rwanda, why not join Aegis Students (STAND in the US)? Be part of a youth-focussed community that engages in informed, critical and responsible global advocacy – and provides practical and fundraising support to Aegis’ mission and work.


If you’re visiting Rwanda and looking for great value accommodation, why not support Aegis and the Kigali Genocide Memorial by staying at the Discover Rwanda Youth Hostel?
If you’re visiting the Kigali Genocide Memorial, there’s no need to pre-book. The Memorial is open 8.00am – 5.00pm (last entry 4.00pm), seven days a week; closed only for public holidays.