Policy & Advocacy

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The Aegis Trust welcomes President Biden’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide

Statement by Dr James Smith CBE, Chief Executive of the Aegis Trust: “Staff and supporters of the Aegis Trust remember and mourn all those murdered during the Armenian Genocide, in which the Young Turk regime systematically planned and executed the deportation and mass murder of some 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, together with [...]

2021-04-25T09:39:43+01:00April 25th, 2021|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Justice closer for Darfur with Ali Kushayb in ICC custody

Wanted on 51 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur, former Janjaweed commander Ali Kushayb is now in the custody of the International Criminal Court. According to an ICC statement, Kushayb voluntarily handed himself over in the Central African Republic. “Kushayb’s prosecution will be an important step towards justice for Darfur, especially [...]

2020-06-10T21:33:46+01:00June 10th, 2020|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Félicien Kabuga’s arrest welcomed by genocide survivors

Today's arrest of Félicien Kabuga in Paris has been warmly welcomed by genocide survivors in Rwanda – and by genocide scholars internationally. One of the alleged architects of Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, in which a million people were murdered, Kabuga is accused of funding the import of arms and machetes used in the [...]

2020-05-16T19:06:01+01:00May 16th, 2020|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Sudan may send Bashir to ICC: justice and peace closer for Darfur

The Sudanese Government’s signal that it may send former President Omar al-Bashir to the International Criminal Court to face charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur has been warmly welcomed by survivors of mass atrocities in the region. “People are jubilant. We never thought this day would come; it’s unbelievable,” says [...]

2020-02-12T07:29:18+00:00February 12th, 2020|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Peacebuilding essential to counter climate-driven conflict

The Aegis Trust’s Chief Executive Dr James Smith and Executive Director Freddy Mutanguha were among the delegates taking part in this year’s Hunger Summit and World Food Prize symposium in Iowa. Bringing together over 1200 scientific experts, policy leaders and food industry executives from more than 65 countries, the symposium is organised by the World [...]

2025-02-26T19:16:24+00:00October 21st, 2019|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Honour for diplomat who paved Cambodia’s road to peace

Twenty years ago today, on March 6th 1999, Ta Mok – the last commander of the genocidal Khmer Rouge in Cambodia – surrendered. It marked the culmination of a strategy developed by then US Ambassador Kenneth Quinn to eradicate the guerrilla movement, which he had compared to the Nazis in early warnings sent to Washington [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:26+00:00March 6th, 2019|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Honour for diplomat who confronted genocide

The Steven Krulis Champion of Humanity Distinguished Service Award recognises those who have contributed significantly to the prevention of genocide and to promoting values of humanity. Originally called the Aegis Award, it has been given only once before – to L Gen Romeo Dallaire of Canada in 2002. The Award will be presented to Ambassador [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:26+00:00February 4th, 2019|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

70 years after UN Genocide Convention, survivors call for justice in the UK

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the UN General Assembly on this day seventy years ago. However, despite the success of a campaign led by the Aegis Trust nine years ago to close legal loopholes on genocide suspects living in the UK, there has yet to [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:26+00:00December 9th, 2018|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Swedish pride in peacebuilding success

Ambassador Helena Rietz, now Head of the Africa Department at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign affairs, today expressed Stockholm’s pride in the Aegis Trust’s peacebuilding education work in Rwanda - for which the Swedish Government has provided significant support.  Ambassador Rietz was visiting the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda for the second time. Having previously [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:27+00:00November 19th, 2018|Memorial, Peace education, Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Aegis Award for diplomat who helped eradicate the Khmer Rouge

On the day that leaders of the Khmer Rouge have finally been found guilty of genocide, the Aegis Trust is pleased to announce an award for the American diplomat who warned of their threat in advance, assisted their victims, and ultimately helped drive the Khmer Rouge from Cambodia. The Aegis Trust will honour Ambassador Kenneth [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:27+00:00November 16th, 2018|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments