Policy & Advocacy

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Aegis welcomes US Atrocities Prevention Board

23 April 2012 - The Aegis Trust warmly welcomes the US President's announcement of the creation of an Atrocities Prevention Board, and a comprehensive strategy for the United States to make prevention of mass atrocities and genocide a key focus of US foreign policy. For analysis of this hugely significant move, see (among others): Madelaine [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:33+00:00April 23rd, 2012|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Former UN Sudan Chief: “Sudan border clashes a symptom of underlying malaise”

29 March 2012 - "The current upsurge in fighting along the disputed Sudan/South Sudan border is just a symptom of the serious and deep-rooted underlying malaise,” Dr Mukesh Kapila commented in a statement issued today. Aegis Special Representative on Crimes Against Humanity, Dr Kapila was UN Resident Coordinator in Sudan from 2003 to 2004. “The [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:34+00:00March 29th, 2012|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Chad blocks former UN Sudan chief from visiting its Darfur refugee camps

16 Jan 2012 - Dr Mukesh Kapila, Special Advisor to the Aegis Trust and former UN Resident Coordinator in Sudan, was blocked from visiting refugee camps in eastern Chad last week and then expelled by the Chadian authorities before he could get the chance to meet even one of the nearly 300,000 Darfuri refugees still [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:34+00:00January 16th, 2012|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

First UK arrest for Crimes Against Humanity: Peru death squad suspect held in Devon

16 Mar 11 - A Peruvian man, who has not been named, was arrested in Devon yesterday on suspicion of involvement in torture and crimes against humanity committed by government-backed death squads targeting guerrilla groups in Peru in the late 1980s and early 1990s.   He is the first person to be arrested since loopholes [...]

Concerns mount for Darfuris at risk in Libya

8 Mar 2011 - Following media reports that African mercenaries were used to suppress demonstrations in Libya, and particularly since the Sudanese Government claimed that Darfuri rebels were involved in the violence, fears have been growing among Darfuris in the UK for family and friends in the country. An estimated 500,000 Sudanese live in Libya, [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:34+00:00March 8th, 2011|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Foreign Policy: High Cost of Sudan War

11 Jan 2011 - In today's Foreign Policy magazine the Aegis Trust and Frontier Economics write about their report The Cost of a Future Conflict in Sudan. Even as Southern Sudan votes in an independence referendum this week, the fear of war hasn't entirely faded away. The south is likely to vote to secede from [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:34+00:00January 11th, 2011|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

The War Criminal Next Door

9 Sep 2010 - Foreign Policy Article by the Aegis Trust's Head of Campaigns Nick Donovan The film Marathon Man is one of the great paranoid thrillers of the 1970s, infamous for the scene in which the Nazi dentist played by Lawrence Olivier drills through Dustin Hoffman's teeth into his live nerve below, repeatedly asking "Is it [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:34+00:00September 9th, 2010|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Explained: Election pledge on new Crimes Against Humanity Convention

Following lobbying by the Aegis Trust, one party has pledged to pursue a specialist convention on Crimes Against Humanity. In its election manifesto the Labour party writes: "We will advocate a new international convention to enable the prosecution of perpetrators of genocide and crimes against humanity." A specialist crimes against humanity convention would, like the [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:34+00:00April 11th, 2010|Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments