

Adam Holland to be sole athlete completing 1,000km Run4Peace 2016

Adam Holland is now set to be the sole ultra-runner completing a gruelling 100km each day for ten days on the Aegis Trust’s Run4Peace 2016 - a torch relay with a hundred 10km segments open to the public, passing through some of the UK’s biggest  cities at the end of October to raise funds for [...]

2016-10-04T11:58:16+01:00October 4th, 2016|Outreach|0 Comments

UK record-breakers urge runners to join them for nationwide peace torch relay

https://youtu.be/2JaAbK1rofY In a 30-second video featuring Kenyan running legend Wilson Kipsang – who smashed the Marathon World Record at Berlin in 2013 – record-breaking ultra runners Adam Holland and Rob Young urge people everywhere to join them for next month’s nationwide Run4Peace 2016 (http://www.run4peace.co.uk), a torch relay which will cover 1,000km in just ten days (ten [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:28+00:00September 20th, 2016|Outreach|0 Comments

Aegis regional director receives peace award in the Hague

https://youtu.be/wQ6TTQP0IPc The Aegis Trust’s Regional Director in East Africa, Freddy Mutanguha, was honoured in the Hague on Monday at the inauguration of the Peace, Justice and Security Foundation, which aims to stimulate and support more inclusive public and institutional dialogue on these issues. At the gala, Mr. Mutanguha was presented with the inaugural [...]

2025-01-31T17:24:20+00:00September 7th, 2016|Outreach, Peace education, Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Record-breakers urge UK runners to sign up for Kenya Peace Torch Relay

Record-breaking distance runners Wilson Kipsang, Rob Young (Marathon Man UK) and Adam Holland have united to encourage runners across the UK to join Young and Holland for the 2016 Kenya Peace Torch Relay (21-30 October 2016: run4peace.co.uk). They were pictured at Tower Bridge with the relay torch, which began its journey in Kenya’s North Rift Valley [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:28+00:00April 26th, 2016|Outreach|0 Comments

How lessons from Rwanda are saving lives in South Sudan

During a recent visit to the UK to speak at a conference in London, Nicholas Aru Maan – co-founder of the South Sudan Youth, Peace and Development Organisation (SSYPADO) paid a visit to the UK’s National Holocaust Centre, birthplace of the Aegis Trust, and gave an on-camera interview about the life-saving impact of partnership [...]

Aegis signs memorandum of understanding with United Religions Initiative

Motivated by a shared commitment to promote a culture of peace and the prevention of religious strife and other forms of division which lead to conflict and genocide, on 11 March 2016 the Aegis Trust and United Religions Initiative-Africa concluded agreement to establish an African Peace School; to work together on the prevention of genocide [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:29+00:00March 21st, 2016|Outreach|0 Comments

Professor Elim Lokapel, initiator of the Champions Walk for Peace, is laid to rest in Kenya at 48

https://youtu.be/PP9dQEk7bL8 Today Professor Elim Lokapel, formerly the Aegis Trust’s Representative in Kenya and the Principal of Mount Kenya University’s Kigali Campus, is being laid to rest in Turkana, Kenya. He died as the result of a progressive illness, aged just 48. A great believer in the importance of peacebuilding, his comments in the video [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:29+00:00March 17th, 2016|Outreach, Peace education, Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Hosted by Aegis, Central African leaders learn from peacebuilding in Rwanda

Initiated by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, a high level delegation from the Central African Republic (CAR) was hosted in Rwanda by the Aegis Trust and the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission from 11-17 January 2016 to learn from peacebuilding and reconstruction efforts after the Genocide against the Tutsi. The 21-person delegation was led by Dr [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:29+00:00January 25th, 2016|Outreach, Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments

Now it’s your turn: record-breaker brings Kenya Peace Torch Relay to UK schools and public for 2016

Launched in July with a ‘Champions walk for peace’ by some of the World’s greatest athletes to help raise funds for the Aegis Trust to establish a school for peace in Kenya’s troubled North Rift Valley, the Kenya peace torch relay has travelled over 3,500 miles across Kenya, the UK and USA in 2015 with [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:29+00:00December 14th, 2015|Outreach, Peace education|0 Comments

Genocide Prevention Advisory Network meets in Switzerland

At the invitation of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs the GPANet – Genocide Prevention Advisory Network – held its annual meeting in Geneva from November 30th to December 2nd. The purpose of the GPANet is to provide scientifically based risk assessments, analysis of mass atrocities, and advice to all interested parties, including academic [...]

2020-03-16T21:30:29+00:00December 14th, 2015|Outreach, Policy & Advocacy|0 Comments