Screen_Shot_2013-04-10_at_11.17.0610 Apr 13 – Aegis’ Special Representative on Crimes against Humanity, Professor Mukesh Kapila, has continued the international tour for his new book, “Against A Tide of Evil”, in a series of lectures at Rome’s Universities. Giving his insider account as the UN Sudan chief who blew the whistle on ethnic cleansing in Darfur in 2004, Kapila’s memoir also addresses more recent developments in Sudan – where the Darfur crisis continues, and mass atrocities are now being committed in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile State.

Kapila began his tour of Italy’s capital on 8 April when he was hosted by the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs at John Cabot University. The audience with Professor Kapila discussed the lesson of Sudan and the role of parliamentarians in mass atrocity prevention. The event formed one sixth of the Institute’s programme, “Africa, Development, the UN: Six events to discuss the present, recent past and future of the continent”.

The former UN Sudan chief was then the focus of an event at Roma Tre University on 9 April. Chaired by Professor Cristiana Carletti of the University’s Department of Political Sciences, “A Conversation with Mukesh Kapila: Sudan and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities” was held in conjunction with the Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities – represented in the discussion by its Director of Research and Cooperation, Dr Enzo Maria Le Fevre Cervini.

The trio of lectures concludes today at the LUISS G. Carli University of Rome in a three-hour seminar on “The International Community and the Emerging Rule on the Responsibility to Protect: Libyan and Syrian Crises”. The seminar is set to be chaired by Elena Sciso, Professor of International Law. A keynote speech from Karen E. Smith, Professor of International Relations at LSE and Co-chair of the Taskforce on the EU Prevention of Mass Atrocities, will discuss the report, “The EU and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities – An Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses”, launched in the UK last month with the Aegis Trust. Professor Kapila will be joined in the discussion by Audrey Sushentov, Assistant Professor of Applied International Analysis at the MGIMO University of Russia in Moscow and concluding remarks will be made by Dr Enzo Le Fevre.

To find out more about Mukesh Kapila’s memoirs, ‘Against a tide of evil’, watch this short film. When ordering your copy from Aegis, 50% goes to support the charity’s work (click here to order).

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