The Aegis Trust has taken a significant step forward in its peacebuilding mission with the launch of the Peace Ambassadors Network (PAN), a new initiative designed to connect and empower peace agents across Rwanda.

The network was officially inaugurated on 7 March at the Kigali Community Peace Center within the Kigali Genocide Memorial, bringing together young people, teachers, parents, and community leaders who have been trained through Aegis’ Peace and Values Education Programme.

Aegis Education Manager Appolon Gahongayire highlighted the network’s potential during his opening address: “The Peace Ambassadors Network will transform isolated efforts into a synchronized force, empowering grassroots peacebuilders to collaborate on initiatives that lead to waves of lasting peace.”

A key moment of the launch was the signing of the Peace Ambassadors Network Peace Charter, formalizing members’ commitment to collaborative peacebuilding efforts. The charter establishes PAN as a platform where individuals can coordinate their work, share resources and amplify their impact through collective action.

Several peace ambassadors shared powerful testimonials that revealed the profound impact of their work. Gisele Hirwa, a dedicated teacher at Groupe Scolaire Nduba in Kigali, spoke about her experiences with troubled youth. “What I’ve witnessed in the children I teach is nothing short of transformation. Many arrive troubled, with behaviours rooted in family trauma. Through our peace clubs, I’ve seen those same children become mediators and role models. Now with the Network, we won’t just be changing individual lives, we’ll be rebuilding the fabric of our communities together.”

The ripple effects of the programme extend far beyond classroom walls. Vedaste Niyonteze shared a deeply personal story that silenced the room. “Before this training, I ruled my home with an iron fist. I believed a man’s authority was absolute, that a true leader commanded rather than collaborated. That single belief nearly destroyed my family. Today, my home is unrecognizable from what it was. My wife and I make decisions together, and my children speak to me without fear. This isn’t just about peace education, it’s about breaking generational cycles of harm. This is the message I carry to fathers and parents in my community.”

During the launch event, participants engaged in workshops to identify community challenges and begin developing collaborative solutions. These discussions laid the groundwork for PAN’s future activities, which will focus on addressing societal challenges and promoting a culture of peace and inclusion.

The Peace Ambassadors Network represents a natural evolution of the Aegis Trust’s comprehensive approach to peacebuilding through memory preservation, education, research, and advocacy. The Peace Ambassadors Network will serve as a transformative platform for individuals and groups to take collective action, address societal challenges, and promote a culture of peace and inclusion. Through PAN, Aegis continues its mission of building resilient and peaceful communities, empowering local actors to drive lasting change.

The network is now open to qualified individuals who have completed the Aegis Trust’s Peace and Values Education Program and are actively engaged in peacebuilding work in their communities.