If you have not seen this film, then we recommend it as a must and for those of you out there thinking about starting an Aegis society, this is a perfect event and useful as a localised ‘awareness raising’ campaign. We will endeavour to help you organise publicity material and a speaker for your event. We are in the process of developing our campaigns resources page, once online, this will provide a selection of useful material which you can download to publicise your event.
The film highlights just what genocide is and why it is so important that we raise awareness, take action and help prevent it. Very few people will leave your screening untouched and this provides you with a perfect opportunity to encourage them to join your society.
Screenings are always easy to organise, just speak to your student union about what you want to do, find an appropriately equipped lecture theatre and publicise your event by writing for the student newspaper, putting up posters and handing out flyers. Notify local and regional press of what you are doing and invite your local MP and Mayor to attend.
Societies who screened this film earlier this year, all reported huge turnouts, and as a result to the raw emotion the film provokes; a lot of new members joined us too.
Contact your Universities film society and see if they will work with you to screen the film, you can also try contacting film bank who own the screening rights for the film; however, there will be a charge doing it this way.
For further information or assistance in arranging a screening do not hesitate to contact Richard on campaigns@aegisstudents.org.
Please take part in the online film discussion at: