Nottingham Trent Aegis Society has been very active this term with many events either happening or being planned. We started the term with a ‘Pub quiz’ with the winning team collecting £50; we raised £80 in the process.
In March arrangements were made to have a Darfuri guest speaker for the Awareness Day for Darfur at a society members meetings; this gave us all a new level of understanding of what is happening on the ground in Darfur, as well as reminding us all the importance of the work we are doing.
We played an active role in Aegis’s response to the deportation situation that affected refused asylum seekers; we did this in a number of ways including our protest at the police station where 8 Darfuri’s where being held. In addition to this we prepared a petition and delivered it the Home Office in London, as well as bombarding local and national MPs with letters urging the government to rethink its view that Khartoum is a safe place to send failed asylum seekers.
In other news we have conducted our annual general meeting and now have our committee in place for next year. Plans for this term include our walk from Cambridge to London to coincide with the global day for Darfur on the 29th April. We will also continue our work on the divestment campaign.
Alex Attaway, Publicity Officer of Nottingham Trent Aegis Society